New Datalogic 98xx cable available

 In Availability, New Products, News

We have now tested the ScanCam with the new Datalogic 9800i flatbed scanner/scales. A big thank you to Foodstuffs South Island for loaning us a 9806 scanner so we could get to the bottom of why the cable we made didn’t work. Seems the pin-outs in the manual are wrong and the ERI output we need is routed to pin #2, not #1 as outlined in the user manual.

We now have short-run cables available. Unlike the Datalogic 8000 series cable that consumes two connectors (EAS and AUX), the 98xx cable only requires one port; the dedicated 10-pin EAS port shown below. Note that we have not tested the ScanCam when used in conjunction with a Checkpoint or Sensormatic tag deactivation system connected to the same port so mileage may vary if these are in use. Samples are available for anyone who would like to try and ScanCam on the 98xx with an EAS system connected.

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